
Here you will find the latest and most up to date information for competitions and galas.

BASC is a very friendly and competitive club. Click the links below to find out all you need to know about future meets, galas, results, qualifying times etc.

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Results and Reports

Swimmer PBs and Rankings

Somerset ASA County Championships

South West Regional Championships

National & British Championships


From our archives………….

Early Christmas Presence Appreciated in Bridgwater

…. and the feeling is mutual.

Somerset ASA President Colin Christmas writes: “One of the highlights of the year for clubs all over the County and the country of course, are the Club Championships. Usually this is the opportunity for many young swimmers to experience competition for the first time and for others, not yet in the club team, to swim under the club’s colours. It’s ideal in that respect – on home turf and in front of a friendly, supportive crowd of parents, coaches and peers.

“In other ways Championships provide a snapshot and showcase for what clubs do. Novices and first timers race on the same programme as some of their role models, swimmers whose names they know but who they never actually meet because they train on other nights or who arrive just as they are leaving poolside, like some future, bigger version of themselves. Volunteer parents and coaches are everywhere,  ‘recruited’ one way or another to cover the dozen and more jobs necessary to make an event run safely and successfully.

Bridgwater ASC Club Championships 2018

“And that’s why I was happy to accept the invitation from Bridgwater Amateur Swimming Club to attend the first night of their Club Championships on Saturday 27 October 2018.

“I suggested when I replied that I’d prefer to make myself useful, if I could, which is how I ended up announcing for the evening. It turned out that it meant being down on poolside where it was all happening and being reminded time and time again of the commitment and expertise all those volunteers bring with them.

“I was nearest to the youngest swimmers and it was impossible to ignore their excitement and enthusiasm. And the thought that they represent the future of the club – the next generation.

“It seems like the right cue then, not just to recognise the contribution and the work put in by scores of committees to organise club events like this throughout the year, but to say thank you to Chair, Gin Towells, Judges Frances Barr and Don Symes and the rest of Bridgwater’s Committee and helpers for inviting me to a very enjoyable evening and making me feel so welcome. Good job! I hope Sunday went just as well.”